Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hello from New Mexico! (and headed to Boss-town)

Hello sliders!

Its been quite a hectic day. Chase Kimball, of former Religion Major glory, is in town visiting, and we drove from my uncle's house in Taos, NM down to Santa Fe to see the sights and to visit with some friends.

Unfortunately, our only car was my uncle's own truck, and, well, I can't really work the clutch that well. We're not dead or in a ditch or t-boned in the median, but there were some hairy moments. Other than that, northern New Mexico is beautiful, and we've been eating lots of chiles, going on nice bike rides, and generally enjoying the sage and pinon-tinted air. I'll be here for a couple of years, so everyone should come visit!

Also, I found out today that I'll be in Boston for most of the month on July, is anyone else going to be there?

Hope all is well with everyone! I miss you!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Some Religious Studies Blogs for Your Reading Pleasure

I don't know about the rest of you, but it's been less than a week and I'm already pining for classes and professors. Lucky for me, I'm taking an intensive Chinese course this summer at Portland State University.

But when that fact just isn't enough, I turn to the following religious studies blogs to satisfy my hunger for extracurricular nerdiness.

These two blogs were recommended to me by a professor of religion at Portland State University. I met with her this week to chat about grad school and research.

Two interesting things about this PSU professor of Religion: 1) She went to grad school at UChicago with Will and Lisa. (I got stories.) 2) She has just started the Religious studies program at PSU this year. Next school year, PSU will be offering Religion for the first time as an undergraduate minor. This is an amazing development because most universities are actually cutting out religious studies programs due to poor funding or lack of interest.

Well, I've got to continue unpacking. Take care everyone!


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Commencement for Sanctified Sliders

Well, we did it. We are college graduates and to be honest I do not feel any different. I guess the religion major in me expected some different feeling after such a "rite of passage." muahaha, Victor Turner, I will never leave you.

To be honest, I thought there was going to be more pomp and circumstance. I was envisioning the indoor track full of maize and blue flags and streamers. As if a streamer here and color block there would really change anything. Perhaps I assume that one must make a room "sacred" or "celebratory" in order to perform "rites" and "rituals"?

Anyway, congrats to all of us and cheers to the first of many nerdy posts.
