Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Names and Philosophers

At my job, I look at a lot of names.

I am going through forms of employees to look for mistakes, I read their names.
I created a new questionnaire for a certain group of people the non-profit supports, I read and write their names.

So it gets me thinking on names and what I would want mine to someday be named. Then, I think about Soren and Lori. I lament that I have not read or loved Kierkegaard to name a son after him. BUT out of all the philosophers and religion scholars-who would I a)love enough and b) has a cool enough name that I'd bestow it on a child, my child nonetheless.

So far, Ludwig (Feurbach) is near the top of my list (though my mom had a dog with the same name-so it's a little awkward). Perhaps Victor or Turner in remembrance of Victor Turner-nothing original or quirky in those names though. And of course Clifford or Geertz would both be pretty rad names...

any other thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. how about Mircea? too bad i'm not sure how to pronounce it...
