Saturday, June 12, 2010

Commencement for Sanctified Sliders

Well, we did it. We are college graduates and to be honest I do not feel any different. I guess the religion major in me expected some different feeling after such a "rite of passage." muahaha, Victor Turner, I will never leave you.

To be honest, I thought there was going to be more pomp and circumstance. I was envisioning the indoor track full of maize and blue flags and streamers. As if a streamer here and color block there would really change anything. Perhaps I assume that one must make a room "sacred" or "celebratory" in order to perform "rites" and "rituals"?

Anyway, congrats to all of us and cheers to the first of many nerdy posts.


1 comment:

  1. totally agree - it's weird being home. and done.

    also, self serving announcement - new adult email
